[Updated] 20-04-2019 UIFlow big update.
This will be updated as development progresses.
I’m working on a book for UIFlow and was wondering what people would expect from it.
@m5stack i would appreciate some feedback from you on this as well please.I’m mostly just doing it to learn how UIFlow works.
If you would like to donate money to help improve this and speed up development please PM me. All donation will go back to M5Stack in the form of hardware orders. All supporters will be credited in the cover and get a free Digital copy of the finished printable book.
Just updated and corrected a few things.
Can I get a check on it please?
Sounds great! Where do you write it.
On the computer until it is a presentable state.
Up to 10 A4 pages so far and its still just basic listings.
Finally something useful to show.
Lets see if this works.
PDF Preview of the wip manuscript. -
Looks great.
Thanks, that are a few graphical issues to sort out but the base is getting there.
It's formatted to be printed at A4 for "Finger" binding.
Any ideas or requests?
I'm just trying to get an MQTT broker running to test the new MQTT functions. -
Another update - http://www.ajb2k3.co.uk/UIFlowhandbook.pdf
still trying to work out how to build a MQTT broker.
A little bit of clean up and corrections done to the document but still cataloging function blocks.
Another little minor update, please see the first post.
The staggered formatting is because it is designed for double-sided page printing. -
Added my Stepper test example to the pdf but haven't got the photo's for it yet.
Does this format work for the examples? -
Just a quick WIP avater test.
looking back to the old programming book days. -
@ajb2k3 Like it, The M5stick man
A couple of alterations and work on the into/getting started section.
Please excuse the lack of updates, I have a big update coming and working hard on the book.
I have been given a target of 100 pages and working hard to reach it. -
Almost finished this chapter.
Big update.
Still WIP and the micropython side will be kept till book 2 but growing everyday.
WIP UIFlow handbook -
Bit of a delay as I'm porting the manuscript over to new software due to editing and formatting issues.