Issues with program "run" in UIflow 2.0
Hey all! New to the m5stack world.
Was able to upload UIflow 2.0 from the burner program. I'm having upload issues with Uiflow 2.0 web app though. Seems more of a UIflow 2.0 issue than a usb driver issue. Tried uploading sketches from arduino ide and all worked fine.
Had 1 success with a custom sketch upload, but now I'm unable to proceed with other uploads. Either shows a memory error, or no reaction at all after pressing "run" button. Using atom s3 and core s3. Same issue with both. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
What browser are you using. I have found that only Chrome works 100%. Of course, if the device is rebooting, you'll get errors.
use M5 burner to ERASE and return the firmware afterputting Atom/S3 into boot mode
@thefearface Lol. So it turns out changing which usb connection the cable was placed in fixed the issue. Everything works now with Uiflow. Weird. Thanks for the replies!