Simple Hello World with PlatformIO and M5Dial
I am just getting started with M5Dial. I have some programs working in Arduino studio program but Visual Studio Code and PlatformIO seems way better.
Here is where I am stuck:
I have the platformio.ini file like this:[env:m5stack-cores3]
platform = espressif32
board = m5stack-cores3
framework = arduinolib_deps =
m5stack/M5Unifiedupload_speed = 115200
monitor_speed = 115200and my main.cpp program is simply:
#include <Arduino.h>
#include "M5Dial.h"
#include <WiFi.h>
#include <M5GFX.h>void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
auto cfg = M5.config();
M5Dial.begin(cfg, true, true);
}void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
}Everything compiles and uploads but screen is blank. Serial monitor equivalent complains about a lot.
Did I choose the wrong board?
board = m5stack-cores3 -
After I wrote all of this I figured out I did have the wrong board specified:
board = m5stack-stamps3
seems to be correct.Now I can't get USBSerial functions to work, and previously any Serial.print statements didn't work but I am one step further!
@uberdweeb Hello! Sorry for late answer, but I have the fix for it. All you need to do is modify the platformio.ini file, and write this into it:
[env:m5stack-stamps3] platform = espressif32 board = m5stack-stamps3 framework = arduino build_flags = -DARDUINO_USB_CDC_ON_BOOT=1 monitor_speed = 115200