Difficulties with Pa HUB
Hi, I am experiencing unconsistent results with this accessoiry.
I am trying so use it for an ampere and volt measurment.
After some trials I have been able to have a working UI flow project with the Vmeter unit in position 1 of the hub.
However, today, the same project does no longer work : I get the error Vmeter unit may not be connected..
Could someone suggest a correct setup in UI flow for the PaHub.
Thanks a lot. -
Browsing through the you tube videos I found my mistake ;-)
Problem solved -
Well don't keep us hanging, what was the problem?
I am surprised that none of the 109 viewers proposed the proper way of doing. Or maybe the PaHub is not their concern ?
Anyway and for future beginners who could face the issue.1)There is no need to add the PaHUB as a component as with the other I2C captor
2) These captors must then be declared as PaHUB and not as port A