Arducam (arduino) Can't find OV2640 module!
@m5stack Have you guys got any idea how to get the arducam esp32 examples working on the M5Camera (2nd version)?
// ArduCAM Mini demo (C)2017 Lee // Web: // This program is a demo of how to use most of the functions // of the library with ArduCAM ESP32 2MP/5MP camera. // This demo was made for ArduCAM ESP32 2MP/5MP Camera. // It can take photo and send to the Web. // It can take photo continuously as video streaming and send to the Web. // The demo sketch will do the following tasks: // 1. Set the camera to JPEG output mode. // 2. if server receives "GET /capture",it can take photo and send to the Web. // 3.if server receives "GET /stream",it can take photo continuously as video //streaming and send to the Web. // This program requires the ArduCAM V4.0.0 (or later) library and ArduCAM ESP32 2MP/5MP camera // and use Arduino IDE 1.8.1 compiler or above #include <WiFi.h> #include <Wire.h> #include <ESP32WebServer.h> #include <ArduCAM.h> #include <SPI.h> #include "memorysaver.h" #if !(defined ESP32 ) #error Please select the ArduCAM ESP32 UNO board in the Tools/Board #endif //This demo can only work on OV2640_MINI_2MP or ARDUCAM_SHIELD_V2 platform. #if !(defined (OV2640_MINI_2MP)||defined (OV5640_MINI_5MP_PLUS) || defined (OV5642_MINI_5MP_PLUS) \ || defined (OV5642_MINI_5MP) || defined (OV5642_MINI_5MP_BIT_ROTATION_FIXED) \ ||(defined (ARDUCAM_SHIELD_V2) && (defined (OV2640_CAM) || defined (OV5640_CAM) || defined (OV5642_CAM)))) #error Please select the hardware platform and camera module in the ../libraries/ArduCAM/memorysaver.h file #endif // set GPIO17 as the slave select : const int CS = 17; const int CAM_POWER_ON = D10; #if defined (OV2640_MINI_2MP) || defined (OV2640_CAM) ArduCAM myCAM(OV2640, CS); #elif defined (OV5640_MINI_5MP_PLUS) || defined (OV5640_CAM) ArduCAM myCAM(OV5640, CS); #elif defined (OV5642_MINI_5MP_PLUS) || defined (OV5642_MINI_5MP) || defined (OV5642_MINI_5MP_BIT_ROTATION_FIXED) ||(defined (OV5642_CAM)) ArduCAM myCAM(OV5642, CS); #endif //you can change the value of wifiType to select Station or AP mode. //Default is AP mode. int wifiType = 1; // 0:Station 1:AP //AP mode configuration //Default is arducam_esp8266.If you want,you can change the AP_aaid to your favorite name const char *AP_ssid = "M5Cam"; //Default is no password.If you want to set password,put your password here const char *AP_password = NULL; //Station mode you should put your ssid and password const char *ssid = "SSID"; // Put your SSID here const char *password = "PASSWORD"; // Put your PASSWORD here static const size_t bufferSize = 2048; static uint8_t buffer[bufferSize] = {0xFF}; uint8_t temp = 0, temp_last = 0; int i = 0; bool is_header = false; ESP32WebServer server(80); void start_capture(){ myCAM.clear_fifo_flag(); myCAM.start_capture(); } void camCapture(ArduCAM myCAM){ WiFiClient client = server.client(); uint32_t len = myCAM.read_fifo_length(); if (len >= MAX_FIFO_SIZE) //8M { Serial.println(F("Over size.")); } if (len == 0 ) //0 kb { Serial.println(F("Size is 0.")); } myCAM.CS_LOW(); myCAM.set_fifo_burst(); if (!client.connected()) return; String response = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"; response += "Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n"; response += "Content-len: " + String(len) + "\r\n\r\n"; server.sendContent(response); i = 0; while ( len-- ) { temp_last = temp; temp = SPI.transfer(0x00); //Read JPEG data from FIFO if ( (temp == 0xD9) && (temp_last == 0xFF) ) //If find the end ,break while, { buffer[i++] = temp; //save the last 0XD9 //Write the remain bytes in the buffer if (!client.connected()) break; client.write(&buffer[0], i); is_header = false; i = 0; myCAM.CS_HIGH(); break; } if (is_header == true) { //Write image data to buffer if not full if (i < bufferSize) buffer[i++] = temp; else { //Write bufferSize bytes image data to file if (!client.connected()) break; client.write(&buffer[0], bufferSize); i = 0; buffer[i++] = temp; } } else if ((temp == 0xD8) & (temp_last == 0xFF)) { is_header = true; buffer[i++] = temp_last; buffer[i++] = temp; } } } void serverCapture(){ delay(1000); start_capture(); Serial.println(F("CAM Capturing")); int total_time = 0; total_time = millis(); while (!myCAM.get_bit(ARDUCHIP_TRIG, CAP_DONE_MASK)); total_time = millis() - total_time; Serial.print(F("capture total_time used (in miliseconds):")); Serial.println(total_time, DEC); total_time = 0; Serial.println(F("CAM Capture Done.")); total_time = millis(); camCapture(myCAM); total_time = millis() - total_time; Serial.print(F("send total_time used (in miliseconds):")); Serial.println(total_time, DEC); Serial.println(F("CAM send Done.")); } void serverStream(){ WiFiClient client = server.client(); String response = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"; response += "Content-Type: multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=frame\r\n\r\n"; server.sendContent(response); while (1){ start_capture(); while (!myCAM.get_bit(ARDUCHIP_TRIG, CAP_DONE_MASK)); size_t len = myCAM.read_fifo_length(); if (len >= MAX_FIFO_SIZE) //8M { Serial.println(F("Over size.")); continue; } if (len == 0 ) //0 kb { Serial.println(F("Size is 0.")); continue; } myCAM.CS_LOW(); myCAM.set_fifo_burst(); if (!client.connected()) break; response = "--frame\r\n"; response += "Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n\r\n"; server.sendContent(response); while ( len-- ) { temp_last = temp; temp = SPI.transfer(0x00); //Read JPEG data from FIFO if ( (temp == 0xD9) && (temp_last == 0xFF) ) //If find the end ,break while, { buffer[i++] = temp; //save the last 0XD9 //Write the remain bytes in the buffer myCAM.CS_HIGH();; if (!client.connected()) break; client.write(&buffer[0], i); is_header = false; i = 0; } if (is_header == true) { //Write image data to buffer if not full if (i < bufferSize) buffer[i++] = temp; else { //Write bufferSize bytes image data to file myCAM.CS_HIGH(); if (!client.connected()) break; client.write(&buffer[0], bufferSize); i = 0; buffer[i++] = temp; myCAM.CS_LOW(); myCAM.set_fifo_burst(); } } else if ((temp == 0xD8) & (temp_last == 0xFF)) { is_header = true; buffer[i++] = temp_last; buffer[i++] = temp; } } if (!client.connected()) break; } } void handleNotFound(){ String message = "Server is running!\n\n"; message += "URI: "; message += server.uri(); message += "\nMethod: "; message += (server.method() == HTTP_GET)?"GET":"POST"; message += "\nArguments: "; message += server.args(); message += "\n"; server.send(200, "text/plain", message); Serial.println(message); if (server.hasArg("ql")){ int ql = server.arg("ql").toInt(); #if defined (OV2640_MINI_2MP) || defined (OV2640_CAM) myCAM.OV2640_set_JPEG_size(ql); #elif defined (OV5640_MINI_5MP_PLUS) || defined (OV5640_CAM) myCAM.OV5640_set_JPEG_size(ql); #elif defined (OV5642_MINI_5MP_PLUS) || defined (OV5642_MINI_5MP_BIT_ROTATION_FIXED) ||(defined (OV5642_CAM)) myCAM.OV5642_set_JPEG_size(ql); #endif Serial.println("QL change to: " + server.arg("ql")); } } void setup() { uint8_t vid, pid; uint8_t temp; //set the CS as an output: pinMode(CS,OUTPUT); pinMode(CAM_POWER_ON , OUTPUT); digitalWrite(CAM_POWER_ON, HIGH); #if defined(__SAM3X8E__) Wire1.begin(); #else Wire.begin(); #endif Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println(F("ArduCAM Start!")); // initialize SPI: SPI.begin(); SPI.setFrequency(4000000); //4MHz /* //Check if the ArduCAM SPI bus is OK myCAM.write_reg(ARDUCHIP_TEST1, 0x55); temp = myCAM.read_reg(ARDUCHIP_TEST1); if (temp != 0x55){ Serial.println(F("SPI1 interface Error!")); while(1); } //Check if the ArduCAM SPI bus is OK myCAM.write_reg(ARDUCHIP_TEST1, 0x55); temp = myCAM.read_reg(ARDUCHIP_TEST1); if (temp != 0x55){ Serial.println(F("SPI1 interface Error!")); while(1); } */ #if defined (OV2640_MINI_2MP) || defined (OV2640_CAM) //Check if the camera module type is OV2640 myCAM.wrSensorReg8_8(0xff, 0x01); myCAM.rdSensorReg8_8(OV2640_CHIPID_HIGH, &vid); myCAM.rdSensorReg8_8(OV2640_CHIPID_LOW, &pid); if ((vid != 0x26 ) && (( pid != 0x41 ) || ( pid != 0x42 ))) Serial.println(F("Can't find OV2640 module!")); else Serial.println(F("OV2640 detected.")); Serial.print ("vid = "); Serial.println (vid); Serial.print ("pid = "); Serial.println (pid); #elif defined (OV5640_MINI_5MP_PLUS) || defined (OV5640_CAM) //Check if the camera module type is OV5640 myCAM.wrSensorReg16_8(0xff, 0x01); myCAM.rdSensorReg16_8(OV5640_CHIPID_HIGH, &vid); myCAM.rdSensorReg16_8(OV5640_CHIPID_LOW, &pid); if((vid != 0x56) || (pid != 0x40)) Serial.println(F("Can't find OV5640 module!")); else Serial.println(F("OV5640 detected.")); #elif defined (OV5642_MINI_5MP_PLUS) || defined (OV5642_MINI_5MP) || defined (OV5642_MINI_5MP_BIT_ROTATION_FIXED) ||(defined (OV5642_CAM)) //Check if the camera module type is OV5642 myCAM.wrSensorReg16_8(0xff, 0x01); myCAM.rdSensorReg16_8(OV5642_CHIPID_HIGH, &vid); myCAM.rdSensorReg16_8(OV5642_CHIPID_LOW, &pid); if((vid != 0x56) || (pid != 0x42)){ Serial.println(F("Can't find OV5642 module!")); } else Serial.println(F("OV5642 detected.")); #endif //Change to JPEG capture mode and initialize the OV2640 module myCAM.set_format(JPEG); myCAM.InitCAM(); #if defined (OV2640_MINI_2MP) || defined (OV2640_CAM) myCAM.OV2640_set_JPEG_size(OV2640_320x240); #elif defined (OV5640_MINI_5MP_PLUS) || defined (OV5640_CAM) myCAM.write_reg(ARDUCHIP_TIM, VSYNC_LEVEL_MASK); //VSYNC is active HIGH myCAM.OV5640_set_JPEG_size(OV5640_320x240); #elif defined (OV5642_MINI_5MP_PLUS) || defined (OV5642_MINI_5MP) || defined (OV5642_MINI_5MP_BIT_ROTATION_FIXED) ||(defined (OV5642_CAM)) myCAM.write_reg(ARDUCHIP_TIM, VSYNC_LEVEL_MASK); //VSYNC is active HIGH myCAM.OV5640_set_JPEG_size(OV5642_320x240); #endif myCAM.clear_fifo_flag(); if (wifiType == 0){ if(!strcmp(ssid,"SSID")){ Serial.println(F("Please set your SSID")); while(1); } if(!strcmp(password,"PASSWORD")){ Serial.println(F("Please set your PASSWORD")); while(1); } // Connect to WiFi network Serial.println(); Serial.println(); Serial.print(F("Connecting to ")); Serial.println(ssid); WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); WiFi.begin(ssid, password); while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(500); Serial.print(F(".")); } Serial.println(F("WiFi connected")); Serial.println(""); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); }else if (wifiType == 1){ Serial.println(); Serial.println(); Serial.print(F("Share AP: ")); Serial.println(AP_ssid); Serial.print(F("The password is: ")); Serial.println(AP_password); WiFi.mode(WIFI_AP); WiFi.softAP(AP_ssid, AP_password); Serial.println(""); Serial.println(WiFi.softAPIP()); } // Start the server server.on("/capture", HTTP_GET, serverCapture); server.on("/stream", HTTP_GET, serverStream); server.onNotFound(handleNotFound); server.begin(); Serial.println(F("Server started")); } void loop() { server.handleClient(); }
Hi, I have not tried ArduCAM. But once I'm free, I'll try that. -
This post is deleted! -
Here's the pinmap about camera supplied by m5stack. -
@watson 在 Arducam (arduino) Can't find OV2640 module! 中说:
Here's the pinmap about camera supplied by m5stack.That doesn't tie up because the arducams arduino_pin.h has D2 as I/O12
and slave select as I/O17