LoraWAN868 demo error
Hi all
Has anyone managed to get the Demo to work? I followed the instructions for OTAA on here [https://docs.m5stack.com/en/quick_start/lorawan/ttn](link url) and also just plonked in the DEMO code in MFFlow. The run button completes, but looking at the terminal output I get this error
Connected to Serial Port!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "flow/m5cloud.py", line 82, in _exec_fun
File "<string>", line 7, in <module>
File "unit.py", line 156, in get
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'LoRaWAN'As far as I know the M5Flow site doesn't expose the libraries, so I can't look at them.
Hello @tonyd
make sure you are running the latest UIFlow firmware version (e.g. 1.10.x) on your M5Stack device. (Use UIFLOW FIRMWARE BURNING TOOL from here.)
Also make sure you only have one browser tab / window open at the same time which runs https://flow.m5stack.com.
In addition make sure you have added the LoRaWAN868 unit with the + sign on the left side of the UIFlow browser window.Thanks
Felix -
Hi @felmue
I had downloaded and burnt firmware, I downloaded the new beta burner and tried that. The unit I have added is LoRaWAN868, I used the default PORT A. The object I get is LoRaWAN868_0. I am using a Atom Lite and the error I now get is.
*Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 6, in <module>
File "unit.py", line 152, in get
Unit: Please change unit LoRaWAN to other groveIt seems like its telling me to select another Grove Port, but the only choices are PORT A and Custom. I will try and use a M5Stick CPlus and see if that works
I tried to re-burn the M5Stick with the beta burner and it made the device unstable in that the screen was scrambled and it kept disconnecting from UIFlow. I re-burned on the stable burner and it sorted that out. When I tried to download the Lora demo code, the stick screen displays
'module' object has no atrribute 'LoRaWan'tony
Hello @tonyd
I've tried both M5Atom and M5StickCPlus with the older UIFlow firmware 1.9.8 and on both I get the same error as you do. However when I use the latest UIFlow firmware 1.10.x there is no error with both devices.
My conclusion is that you must use the latest UIFlow firmware else it doesn't work.
Two things you could try on your M5StickC or M5StickCPlus:
- make sure you use the proper UIFlow firmware (there different for the non Plus and Plus version)
- erase the firmware before burning the new one
Felix -
hi @felmue
Thanks for then help. I have stuck with the Atom and re-installed v1.10.2 and still get
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 6, in <module>
File "unit.py", line 152, in get
Unit: Please change unit LoRaWAN to other groveI'll leave it a while and try again after a re-boot in case anything is cached
Hello @tonyd
hmm, I really don't understand why you would get the Unit: Please change unit LoRaWAN to other grove error. Both M5Atom and M5StickC(Plus) only have one Groove port.
That said, I found that sometimes switching between different M5Stack devices can cause strange errors. I always reload the UIFlow browser page to make sure and then start over adding the unit and the UIFlow code.
BTW: I do not have the LoraWAN686 unit - therefore I cannot fully test the functionality - I can only say that I do not get any errors and I can see the generated AT commands on the serial line.
Felix -
Hi @felmue
I got a bit further. Instead of just using the demo app, I built the app up step by step from the separate unit components and put debug prints on each step. I have now got the code printing a message at the top of the loop containing the two if/do statements. So for me it seems that taking the demo code was the problem. I don't know why though as I essentially built the same code block by block. The next problem is that Things Network is not letting me in. I think I will have to switch to the arduino IDE as there is a bit more control over debugging there