M5stack core doesn't work online: ""No permission. The device has been bound!""
Hello all,
I'm new to using M5stack core (the first and basic one). I installed the driver and followed the tutorials, everything was ok until I tried to connect and run a program from the M5Flow to the core in online mode. When I trying to connect or run a program the interface said the following message:
"No permission. The device has been bound!"
in the corner, where is the API KEY, it said the word "disconnected", if I press "refresh", it turned for a while in "connecting" and then go back to "disconnected"
The interesting part for me is that if I do it offline, everything works fine but when I want to work online I got this message.
I searched at the forum and in google and found no answer. Can anyone help me?
In advance thank you so much.
try re-burning the firmware and putting the new api code into uiflow
Thank you for your reply "ajb2k3". I re-burned the firmware and also got a new API code and still get the same messages. Is any other idea?
In advance thank you all the community for the suport.
It may be linked to another account.
Try pressing unbind in the EzData field for the linked account. -
The same problem happened to me, no way to unbind the device unless yuo share with them ( M5stack support team) your device's MAC address or API while you keep your device online, so they can unbind it
that what happened with me
@isamalatby Do you have a new device or second hand device?