UIFlow Desktop 1.0.17, Custom Block Problem?
Is there a bug in UIFlow Desktop version or am I doing something wrong? I'm unable to create a working custom block. Also, can't reload a created block for editing.
I'm able to create custom blocks with the Block Maker. Everything seems to work fine, and I can save (Download) the new custom block.
Newly created blocks can be opened in UIFlow, but the namespace (group name) has no blocks in it. The blocks that were created do not appear and can't be inserted into Blockly.
Attempting to edit a previously created block in the Block Maker also doesn't work. I can click on Open .m5b, and the file selection window pops up. I select a block I created, but Block Maker does not import the file's Block Settings. Whatever block design was open at that time remains unchanged.
I'm pretty sure the problem is in the desktop version of the Block Maker. Here's why... I found a .m5b file on the internet called MakerCloud1.m5b and downloaded it. In UIFlow the MakerCloud1 group name now has blocks in it that I can move onto my workspace. But Block Maker doesn't import those block designs when I open the .m5b file. So it looks to me like desktop Block Maker can't read and can't write correct files.
Can anyone please offer help on how to fix this in my project?
I tried this with the online version of UIFlow, and am able to open MakerCloud1.m5b but not the custom blocks I created with the desktop version.
Using the online UIFlow Block Maker, I was able to create, save (download), and open for edit a new block. I was also able to open the new custom block for insertion into the Blockley workspace.
This is in fact a bug in the desktop version of Block Maker.
The desktop version hasn't been updated in ages and won't be until UIFlow 2.0 comes out.
@ajb2k3 :( hope 2.0 is comes out soon.