Can not get signal from GPIO 36
Dear all,
I connected PIR sensor in GPIO36 but I can not get any data from StickC.
The Code is:from m5stack import *
from m5ui import *
from uiflow import *
import machinesetScreenColor(0x111111)
pinv = None
label0 = M5TextBox(12, 34, "Text", lcd.FONT_Default, 0xFFFFFF, rotate=0)
while True:
pin0 = machine.Pin(36, mode=machine.Pin.IN, pull=machine.Pin.PULL_UP)
pinv = pin0.value()
wait_ms(2)I always got 0(zero). Could you help me where I am worng?
Hello @shliao
GPIO36 does not support internal software pull-ups. So if your hardware setup requires a pull-up, you'll need to add an external pull-up resistor.
Excerpt from this documentation:
GPIO34-39 can only be set as input mode and do not have software pullup or pulldown functions.
BTW: your Python code is ok and returns 1 when I connect GPIO36 to 3.3 V.