Ultrasonic Distance Unit (RCWL-9600)
Does anybody know what speed of sound (or rather speed of sound at what temperature) is used by Ultrasonic Distance Unit (RCWL-9600) to calculate the distance? May be somebody can translate the following notice on that from Chinese? -
the RCWL-9600 is very accurate.
You may read the data using a simple function like this:#define M5_I2C_ADDR_ULTRA 0x57
float ReadI2CDistance()
uint32_t data;Wire.beginTransmission(M5_I2C_ADDR_ULTRA); Wire.write(0x01); Wire.endTransmission(); delay(120); Wire.requestFrom(M5_I2C_ADDR_ULTRA,3); data = Wire.read();data <<= 8; data |= Wire.read();data <<= 8; data |= Wire.read(); return float(data) / 10000; // distance in cm