M5Atom chat server (Chatterbox) modifications help or advice.
Hi All,
I'm new to the forum but have some basic FW skills but better electronics skills!
I've successfully got the code from the link below working just fine and I can have users connect to my M5Atom, post messages (including emojis) and generally use it like a mobile chat room.
[https://github.com/fenwick67/esp32-chatterbox](link url)
My questions to you knowledgeable people is how I could implement a few changes such as:
- Having a newly connected user create a short username such that its placed before the posted message?
- Showing number of connected users on the M5Atom LED matrix.
- Allowing the user to upload an image (which would probably need to be resized on the ESP32!)?
- Clearing the chat message page with a looong press of the M5Atom 'top button'.
Using the same code (I believe it 'just works') from the link above on an M5Stack Core2 but:
- Use the SDCard for message/image storage rather than SPIFFS.
- Display connected users (by username) on the LCD.
- Displaying the chat on the LCD - basically a mirror of what's on the webpage.
I know its a lot of questions and I feel a little cheeky asking them but I'm hoping some of you guys can point me in the right direction so I can get a 'leg-up' and start filling-in some of my missing knowledge.
Hope you can help! 😊
PS: Took me 3 days of playing with the Arduino IDE and the M5 boards in order to get rid of what seemed like an endless supply of errors when it came to compile/upload! Glad that's over